Angelo Galeano (A.E.S.)


Sound Engineer A1/A2:
Mixing and recording dialogue for Cinema and Television
Recording and editing natural wild tracks
Mixing and recording with wearable equipment
Mixing in a liveTV show
Playing Live keyboards with recorded items (Foley Live)
Mixing and recording Audio Broadcast in Live Sport Events (A1/A2)
Microphones Engineer:
Determine microphone types and what they are best used for;
Using and placing of exposed and hidden lavalier microphone (advertising, interviews, films, documentaries, shooting, eng);
Wireless frequency analysis of systems & techniques
Boom operator;
Parabola Mike Operator (Telinga);
Radio Microphones (Sennheiser, Shure, Wisycom);
Commentary Position (Saro, Glensound, A&Q Mpac2);
Ambiente Multi Channel Microphones (Soundfield);
Phonak earphones;
Placing microphones for shows and various sports like: Football, Tracks, Motorbike Races, Skiing, Boxing, Volleyball, Hockey, Ski Jumping, Bobsleigh, Skeleton, Cross Country, Nordic Combine, Biathlon Powerboats.
Field recording Sound Devices (744, 788, 633, 688)
Diver Padi license (hydrophones)
Broadcast Assistant A2:
Cabling for tv studios,
Cabling for sport venues, sports facilities indoor and outdoor, summer and winter venues;
Using optical fibers, connections, welding, testing; (FlashLink, Artel Digi Link, Acrobat, Rocknet)
Using Mediornet Compact Pro, Riedel Rocknet 100, Acrobat intercom System, intellinet;
Operating Assistant Protools;
Using Intercom System (Saro, CMAPSI, Artist);
Work Skills:
Working in demanding situations
Coordination of working groups
More Info:
Founder of GaleanoLab (recording, editing and projecting tools for sounds recording)!projects/cly1
Project Manager for Multimedia projects from 1999 to 2003 (Cliomedia srl, Celys srl)
Diver Padi license (hydrophones)
Education and Studies:
BTP Broadcast Training Programme for Olympics 2006
Postgraduate in Sound Engineering at Virtual Reality Multi Media Park – Torino in 2003
Graduated qualification in New Media (Torino University) with a research study titled “The Faces of Voices: Synthesis and Voice Recognition on Human and Computer Interaction” in 2001
Graduated in Science of Communication at - Università degli Studi di Torino.
Secondary School Degree Technical Industrial Institute- Electronic and Telecommunication.
Sailing Dinghies